Stages of Baby's Development Every Month
Stages of Baby's Development Every Month - At this time we will present a comprehensive review of the development of a baby in a month . Here is the process through which the development of the baby more:
Early Development of Infants
Baby while still in the womb has been through many things that when it was still in the process of his journey in the fetus . Then the baby's development continued when he was born into the world . During the year the baby will experience rapid development , especially on the physical and brain . Starting from infants who have not previously able to do anything but cry then can crawl around, his stomach and walking and talking .
It is to note that the development of a baby with other babies are not the same . A baby may be able to stomach more rapidly during the 3 months of age but there is also a new one can do that when the age of 5 months . There is also a one year old but has not been able to walk , well for those of you who want to know in detail the development of the baby you better try to diligently consult a doctor .
The development of infants 1 month
Babies are able to see clearly in the distance of 8-12 inches , was able to smile , but still do movements such as grasping reflex , looking for nipple susudan if touched her cheek would head will move towards touch . Babies sleep a lot more than waking up , more than half the day is spent sleeping .
2 months baby development
At this age babies are able to distinguish the faces and voices of those closest and can hold objects for a few seconds .
The development of 3 -month baby
Baby can hold and swing the object in his hand , and follow the direction and movement of objects . At this age babies begin to tilt his body
4 months baby development
Babies are able to stomach , asyuk playing with his fingers and occasionally put into his mouth . Babies also have started babbling .
5 months baby development
6 Months Baby's Development
At this age the baby has started to recognize other family members . Babies start to enjoy playing toy and likes inserting toes in his mouth .
The development of infants 6 months
Began to roll around ( supine , prone and supine back again ) . Began to move his body to grab a toy and can not get angry if or when the toy is taken . Emotions also began to arise such as happy , angry or scared .
The development of a baby 7 months
At the age of 7 months the development of your baby can start to lift his body with his hands and feet and some even can move forward or backward , but not yet crawling . Began to recognize his own name and some babies have started teething .
8 months baby development
8 months baby development
Baby has started to crawl and sit alone . At this age babies can also take small objects with thumb and fingers .
9 months baby development
Babies have started to learn to stand by berpengangan on other objects or creep . Another development is the baby has started to understand some words and playful boo and applause .
The development of infants 10 months
Babies begin to walk with assistance . Can sit by itself from a standing position . Understand simple commands , started mouthing the words and love dancing .
The development of infants 11 months
Babies begin to stand without pengangan , such as fear began to socialize with strangers and loved playing with his friends . At this age the baby also develops fine motor skills he can take small objects with thumb and forefinger ( menjimpit ) .
The development of infants 12 months
Babies already begun to walk and say a few simple words . Babies also begin to understand and can perform simple commands .
That baby's stage of development of each month during the first 1 year . Hopefully the information above can add to your knowledge and insights in caring for the newborn . Hopefully useful ....