For the first time Indonesian word appearing in the world with 254 pages printed on the paper Logan : Mr . Earl Suggests Indunesian the Ethnographical term , but rejects it in favor of Malayunesian . I prefer the purely geographical term Indonesia , the which is merely a shorter Synonym for the Indian Islands or the Indian Archipelago .Spoiler for James Richardson Logan (1819-1869) :A native of Scotland who earned a law degree from the University of Edinburgh .He 's just a manager 's annual scientific magazine , the Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia ( JIAEA ) ; published in Singapore in 1847 .People are more discerning about Indonesia and Indonesian region where it is located is , George Samuel Windsor Earl ( 1813-1865 ) .She is an English ethnologist nation . In 1849 , he filed two options name : Indunesia or Malayunesia ( nesos in Greek means island ) .On page 71 an article was written : ... " the inhabitants of the Indian Archipelago or Malayan Archipelago would Indunesians or Malayunesians Become respectively . " .Earl has said choosing the name Malayunesia ( Malay Archipelago ) than Indunesia ( Indian Islands ) , because Malayunesia very appropriate for the Malay race , while Indunesia can also be used to Ceylon ( Sri Lanka ) and the Maldives ( Maldives ) . Anyway, Earl said , is not the Malay language spoken throughout the islands ? In writing that Earl did not use the term Malayunesia and Indunesia term wear .
Since then Logan has consistently used the name " Indonesia " in his scientific writings , and the use of this term is slowly spreading among scientists fields of ethnology and geography . In 1884 a professor of ethnology at the University of Berlin named Adolf Bastian ( 1826-1905 ) published a book Rodel oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipel five volumes , containing the results of his research when it wandered into our country in 1864 until 1880. Bastian book is what popularized the term " Indonesia " in the Dutch scholar , so that could arise contention that the term " Indonesia " Bastian 's creation . Opinion is not true that , among others listed in the Encyclopedie van Nederlandsch - Indie 1918 . Yet Bastian took the term " Indonesia " was from the writings of Logan .Indonesian people who first used the term " Indonesia " is suwardi Suryaningrat ( Ki Hajar Dewantara ) . When in the exhaust to the Netherlands in 1913 , he set up a news agency with the name Indonesische Pers-bureau .In the 1920s , the name "Indonesia " which is a scientific term in ethnology and geography were taken over by the leaders of the independence movement of our country , thus the name " Indonesia " finally has a political meaning , namely the identity of a people who fight for freedom ! As a result the Dutch government began to be suspicious and wary of the use of the word creation Logan .Bung Hatta emphasized in his writings , "Indonesia Merdeka future ( de Vrije Indonesische toekomstige staat ) impossible -called " Dutch East Indies " . Nor does " Indian " only, because it can lead to mistakes by the Indian original . For us the name of Indonesia declared a goal politics ( een Politiek doel ) , because they represent and aspire to a homeland in the future , and to realize each of Indonesia ( Indonesier ) will strive with all the power and ability . "Meanwhile, Dr. homeland . Sutomo establish Indonesische Study Club in 1924 . Later that year the Indian Communist Party renamed the Communist Party of Indonesia ( PKI ) . Then in 1925 formed a scouting Jong Islamieten Bond Nationaal Indonesische Padvinderij ( Natipij ) . That's the three organizations in the country that first used the name "Indonesia " . Finally the name " Indonesia " was crowned as the name of homeland , nation and our language on density - Pemoedi Pemoeda Indonesia on October 28, 1928 , which we now call the Youth Pledge .In August 1939 three members of the Volksraad ( People's Council ; DPR Dutch period ) , Muhammad Husni Thamrin , Wiwoho Purbohadidjojo , and Sutardjo Kartohadikusumo , filed a motion to the Government of the Netherlands to the name " Indonesia " was unveiled as a substitute for the name " Nederlandsch - Indie " . But the stubborn Dutch so this motion rejected .With the fall of our country into the hands of Japan on March 8, 1942 , gone are the name " Dutch East Indies " for ever . Then on August 17, 1945 , at the grace of Almighty God , born of the Republic of Indonesia.