• A computer is a machine that can not perform the desired tasks the user , if it is not supported by the software ( Software ) .
 • Software is actually a program
 • The program is a series of instructions that are used to control komouter so that the computer can perform appropriate actions dikehendai maker.CLASSIFICATION SOFTWARE
 • Based on the function , distinguished by:- Software apliaksi ( Applocation software )Is a program commonly used by the user to perform specific tasks , for example .- To create the document .- Manipulate Photos ..- Create financial statements .- System Software ( System Software )- The program used to control the computer's resources , such as CPU and device I / O.- The position of this program is as an intermediary between application programs and hardware• Based on the software and how to obtain the right to use , can be classified as :- Commercial Software- Public - Domain Software- Share Ware- Freeware- Renatalware- Free Software- Open sourceUSER INTERFACE• Command - Driven- Using the Shell Prompt- User must mengetikaan desired command so that the computer can perform its tasks .User Interface .GUI ( User Interface Graphicak )
- Using the mouse peripherals that
- Selection using the menu commands and icons
- To carry out a task the user must do click , double click ,
drag and dropSoftware Applications• Software Entertainment- Program the game ( Game )- Program to play music- Program to play movieEducational Software• - Edurainment , a program that combines education and entertainment .• Useful for studying or merenferensi sesuati knowledge .- Program dictionaries- Encyclopedia- E-learning- Foreign Language Lessons

Work Productivity Software• Word Procesing• Spreadsheet• Desktop Publising• Presentation Graphics• Communication• Personal Information Manager• Management of Data .Business Software• Inventory Control• General Ledger• Accounts Receivable• Academic Systems .Word Processing• Also called word processing , ie software functions to create documents .• The ability to vary , for example :- Create text .- Set the font .- Insert images- Create the table .• words such as word processing features support :• the spelling checker• Grammar Cecker• Thesaurus
spreadsheet• Often used for tabular reports that require calculations .• Reports can be presented with graphic facilities .Desktop Publishing .• It is a software which is used by printing only to give a mold such as brochures , business cards , invitation cards etc.• This software has the ability to combine different file dihasilakan by other software , Mis :- Documents from word processors .- Figure artificial conducted through drawing tools- Picture SCANER- Examples is Desktop Publishing Software- Corel Draw- Indesign- Publisher .Software Suite• That is a collection of some of the programs that are packed into one .• Microsoft Office- Excel- Word- Access etc.SOFTWARE SYSTEM• Is a program that is used to control the computer resources , both internal ( eg, RAM ) and external ( eg, printers )• As an intermediary between application programs and the computer hardware• perangkant system software can be- Operating System- Utility- Device Driver- Software languageOPERATING SYSTEM• It is a software program and is sometimes called the basic software platform that is fully functional for controlling the computer system .- Function Operating System• Management processes• Resource Management• Data Management• Security Management• The process of loading the operating system into the computer's main memory is known as the boot• The types of operating systems- Linux- Windows- Palm OS and Windows CE- Mac OS- UNIXHANDLING PROCESS IN OPERATING SYSTEM• Multprograming• Multiprogramming is the activity of running multiple programs at the memory at a time . To improve the overall capability of a computer system , the concept of multiprogramming developermemperkenalkan . With multiprogramming , some tasks are stored in memory at one time ; CPU used interchangeably thus adding CPU utilization and reduce the total time required to complete these tasks• His example is run in conjunction with a browser or media player programm like photoshop image processing .multiprocessing• Multiprocessing is the term information technology in English refers to the ability of computer processing conducted simultaneously . This is possible by using two or more CPUs in a computer system . This term can also refer to support a system to support more than one processor and allocate tasks to the processors .• Multiprocessing also sometimes refers to the ability of the execution of multiple software processes in a system at once , when compared to a process at a time , although the term multiprogramming is more appropriate for this concept . Multiprocessing is often implemented in hardware (using multiple CPUs at once ) , while multiprogramming is often used in the software . A system may have these two abilities , one of them , or not at all• His example is in contemporary times many are already technologically dual processor quad core coresampai . This aims to save time• That is the processor cores in its duty masing2distrbute PROCESESSING• Working on all of the data processing is shared between the central computer with several smaller computers interconnected by communication paths . Every computer has a processor that is able to process partially independent of data separately , then the result of processing was combined into one total settlement . If one processor failure or other problem that will take over his duties .
multitasking• Multitasking is the working mechanism of the computer . Computer CPU can handle multiple processes at the same time accurately . The process is done depending on the instructions given by the computer software . Therefore , to maximally exploit the capabilities of the CPU , the software used should also have multitasking capabilities . Currently , a variety of software operating systems already have multitasking capabilities . That is why , at this time you can browse on the web page SmitDev , chatting , listening to music simultaneously.timesharing• Time -sharing is also referred to as multitasking , where this notion can be equated with multiprogramming , only when the process is limited . The maximum CPU time used so-called quantum time . Advantages of time sharing is becoming a high degree of togetherness . Time sharing requires the input and output of work settings . Normally , the CPU is able to process more than one data per second . At which time , the input and output devices must also be prepared to provide data or receive the results quickly . It is therefore necessary to have a good job scheduling . Many " switched " that can work automatically to arrange everything at the same time .• The simplest example is in the event of a network between the client and server