CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint ,
built for PHP coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to
create full-featured web applications . If you're a developer who lives
in the real world of shared hosting accounts and clients with deadlines , and if you
bored framework drab really big and recorded , then CodeIgniter
might be appropriate .
b . PHP
? php
User_controller class extends CI_Controller {
function __ Construct ( )
parent :: __construct ( ) ;
function user ( )
$ this - > load - > model ( ' user_model ' ) ;
$ data [ ' title ' ] = ' Delete Record Using CodeIgniter ' ;
$ data [ ' daftar_user ' ] = $ this - > user_model - > get_user_all ( ) ;
$ this - > load - > view ( ' daftar_user ' , $ data ) ;
delete_user function ( $ id_user )
$ this - > load - > model ( ' user_model ' ) ;
$ username = $ this - > user_model - > delete_user ( $ id_user ) ;
redirect ( ' user_controller / user ' ) ;
c . benefit
The benefits can assist developers in building applications work so
applications can be completed in a short time .
• Application of Design Patterns facilitate the design , development and
pemeliharaansistem .
• Stability and Reliability applications that we build a more stable and reliable because
berbasispada framework that has been proven stability and reliability .
• Coding Style consistent , make it easier to read the code and find
• Security Concern framework to anticipate and put up a shield against berbagaimasalah security presence that may arise .
• Document
d . function
CodeIgniter development of the framework according to the user 's manual is for
produce a framework that will be used for development projects
making the website more quickly as compared to creating a website
manually coding method , by providing a lot of libraries that are needed
in the creation of websites , with a simple interface and logical structure to
access the required libraries . CodeIgniter allow us to focus
themselves to minimize the creation of websites with code generation for various
purpose of making a website .
e . What is needed to make CodeIgniter
CodeIgniter Framework
The first must have is friends CodeIgniter Framework itself,
because we will create a web -based application framework Codeingniter .
Friends may memprolehnya on website
Codeingniter official in http://codeigniter.com/download.php/ . after opening the
Friends website just follow the download instructions . My suggestion
Friends choose the latest version . Due to the latest version will have
fungisionalitas more complete .
text Editor
The second one should have friends is a text editor . My suggestion Friends
use Notepad + + only. Why do I suggest that because
besides Notepad + + is easily found on the internet Notepad + + is also free and is not heavy .
Friends can download it on the official website at http://notepad-plus-
server Localhost
The latter is a localhost server . To run CodeIgniter Friends
must have a local server , because it uses CodeIgniter PHP language . many
local server can use friends , find friends live on the internet
certainly find many local servers . But I advise friends
use it as a server XAMPP localnya . I suggest that karana
XAMPP is a free and easy to use . Friends can get
The http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html
f . How to install
1.Download first dahulucodeigniternya appropriate version you want
2.After download open windows explorer ( system c xxamp htdocs paste
CodeIgniter CodeIgniter change my name
3.Pastikan you 've mengistall xxamp
4.Klil start the action 5.Buka broser mozilla / chrome
g . structur file
frameworks , libraries , plugins , assets , controllers , models , views and resources
h . demo
CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint ,
built for PHP coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to
create full-featured web applications . If you're a developer who lives
in the real world of shared hosting accounts and clients with deadlines , and if you
bored framework drab really big and recorded , then CodeIgniter
might be appropriate .
b . PHP
? php
User_controller class extends CI_Controller {
function __ Construct ( )
parent :: __construct ( ) ;
function user ( )
$ this - > load - > model ( ' user_model ' ) ;
$ data [ ' title ' ] = ' Delete Record Using CodeIgniter ' ;
$ data [ ' daftar_user ' ] = $ this - > user_model - > get_user_all ( ) ;
$ this - > load - > view ( ' daftar_user ' , $ data ) ;
delete_user function ( $ id_user )
$ this - > load - > model ( ' user_model ' ) ;
$ username = $ this - > user_model - > delete_user ( $ id_user ) ;
redirect ( ' user_controller / user ' ) ;
c . benefit
The benefits can assist developers in building applications work so
applications can be completed in a short time .
• Application of Design Patterns facilitate the design , development and
pemeliharaansistem .
• Stability and Reliability applications that we build a more stable and reliable because
berbasispada framework that has been proven stability and reliability .
• Coding Style consistent , make it easier to read the code and find
• Security Concern framework to anticipate and put up a shield against berbagaimasalah security presence that may arise .
• Document
d . function
CodeIgniter development of the framework according to the user 's manual is for
produce a framework that will be used for development projects
making the website more quickly as compared to creating a website
manually coding method , by providing a lot of libraries that are needed
in the creation of websites , with a simple interface and logical structure to
access the required libraries . CodeIgniter allow us to focus
themselves to minimize the creation of websites with code generation for various
purpose of making a website .
e . What is needed to make CodeIgniter
CodeIgniter Framework
The first must have is friends CodeIgniter Framework itself,
because we will create a web -based application framework Codeingniter .
Friends may memprolehnya on website
Codeingniter official in http://codeigniter.com/download.php/ . after opening the
Friends website just follow the download instructions . My suggestion
Friends choose the latest version . Due to the latest version will have
fungisionalitas more complete .
text Editor
The second one should have friends is a text editor . My suggestion Friends
use Notepad + + only. Why do I suggest that because
besides Notepad + + is easily found on the internet Notepad + + is also free and is not heavy .
Friends can download it on the official website at http://notepad-plus-
server Localhost
The latter is a localhost server . To run CodeIgniter Friends
must have a local server , because it uses CodeIgniter PHP language . many
local server can use friends , find friends live on the internet
certainly find many local servers . But I advise friends
use it as a server XAMPP localnya . I suggest that karana
XAMPP is a free and easy to use . Friends can get
The http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html
f . How to install
1.Download first dahulucodeigniternya appropriate version you want
2.After download open windows explorer ( system c xxamp htdocs paste
CodeIgniter CodeIgniter change my name
3.Pastikan you 've mengistall xxamp
4.Klil start the action 5.Buka broser mozilla / chrome
g . structur file
frameworks , libraries , plugins , assets , controllers , models , views and resources
h . demo